When you purchase a water heater, you want to know how long it will last and how regularly it needs to be serviced. While there are many different types of hot water systems on the market available today, almost all of them would need to be serviced at least two times each year. If the system has been installed on a commercial property or a residential one that sees more usage, it’s better to service the system at least three to four times a year.

Regular servicing goes a long way in maintaining the performance of the system and increasing its lifespan. During these service visits, the technicians will check every aspect of the unit including the pipes. If they notice any problems with these installations, they will inform you about it and fix them immediately. This timely repair work helps ensure that the problem does not get out of hand, and your system’s performance is maintained.

Another good way to enhance the performance of your hot water system and catch problems early is to contact a licensed plumber as soon as you notice any issues. So if your unit is not heating water as it should, you are not getting enough hot water, or you find that the unit is making strange sounds, you should get it inspected without delay. The technicians would be able to determine what is wrong and will make sure that it is repaired on time.

2. Why does my toilet keep running, and what can I do about it?

When you have a running toilet, it can be very annoying to hear the water flowing into the toilet bowl constantly. However, this problem is more severe than an annoyance. Allowing toilet leakages to continue also results in a significant amount of water wastage which means you will be saddled with high water bills at the end of each month without realising what is causing it. One of the best ways to ensure that you do not have to deal with these issues is to address running toilets on time.

When you contact a licensed plumber to fix a running toilet, they will inspect all the components of the system thoroughly. Sometimes, leaks in toilets are caused by worn-out valves. In some cases, a stuck chain might be causing this issue. No matter what the cause is, our skilled plumbers have the experience and expertise to determine what the main problem is before providing a suitable fix. If you neglect this issue, it can sometimes become too severe and result in flooding of water in your bathroom.

Like most other issues, it is always best to adopt a preventive approach to plumbing systems on your property. You can contact us for preventative plumbing maintenance, and as part of the services, we will check all the plumbing features, including your toilet systems. If we find any problems, we will repair them on time so that they do not result in more severe issues which can become costly and problematic to fix.

Whenever you find yourself struggling with a drain blockage on your property, you might reach for a drain cleaner. These products are very readily available in stores, and most people tend to have these in their homes or commercial establishments. However, is it a good idea to use these products regularly? Well, as experienced plumbers we can tell you that drain cleaner products can clean blocked drains. But it is not always an excellent choice to use them all the time.

These products are very harsh on the plumbing systems, and they cause corrosion in the pipes. It takes very long for you to notice that a problem exists and you might not realise that the drain cleaners have caused the plumbing issues that you are facing or the damage to the pipe. The chemical content is powerful, and the damage to the pipe becomes permanent.

It means you will have a difficult time fixing the pipe damage. The best way to avoid this problem is to hire the services of plumbing professionals who would be able to tackle all your plumbing issues, including drain blockages. We use the latest equipment in our work like CCTV drain cameras, pressure jets and electric eels, all of which are very effective in getting rid of stubborn blockages in drain pipes. We also recommend that you opt for preventive plumbing maintenance as we can pinpoint issues before they surface and fix them on time.

Rust coloured or brown water coming out of taps is a common problem on many commercial and residential properties. Despite this, many people are not aware of what the cause of it is. There could be various things that are causing this problem, including sedimentation build-up in the pipe. Sometimes, the sediment builds up in the hot water unit while at others, there could be rust which is causing this problem.

Since there are so many different things that can result in brown or rusty water in taps and showers, you need to hire the services of a professional plumber to determine what the actual cause is. When you hire us for this job, you can be sure that we will tackle the issue professionally and efficiently. We use the latest equipment and technology in our work so that we can pinpoint the main reason for this problem without any delay.

If there is a problem with the pipe, we may recommend that a section of it be replaced. If the issue is the sedimentation in the hot water unit, we may try to flush the system to get rid of the problem. However, if the unit is old and deteriorated, replacement might be a better solution. We are always honest in our approach, can provide you with information related to all the possible reasons for this problem and a suitable solution so you can make a better-informed decision about which option would suit your requirements and budget best.

When you go to take a shower, you want to be sure that you get the amount of hot water you require, of the right temperature. However, if you find that your shower is taking a long time to heat up, you are not alone. This is a common issue that many people face, and various reasons can cause it. Sometimes, the problem might be caused by a hot water system of the incorrect size.

If the capacity of the system does not match your requirements, it means that the system would take a longer time to heat the amount of water that needed on your property. In other cases, the distance between the hot water system and the shower that you are using could be very long, causing a delay in transporting hot water when you need it. There are times when the system itself might be ancient, which means that its performance is not up to the mark.

Determining what is causing the issue on your property requires some amount of inspection and correct assessment. As a company with experience in this industry, we have the capacity, skills and tools needed to handle this job correctly. Our team will inspect all the components of the hot water system, the pipes and the shower to identify what is causing this problem. There are times when the cold weather is the culprit, and insulating the pipes can solve the problem. You can always trust us to provide you with reliable solutions at a cost-effective price.

Water leakages can occur at any time on a residential or commercial property, and it is not something you can neglect or put off fixing for a long time. Whenever there is a leak in a home, people presume that they would be aware it exists. However, the reality is that most plumbing installations are behind walls, some features or under the ground. This placement makes it very difficult to determine when there is a leak in the system on your property.

However, there are some signs which indicate leakages. If you have noticed wet patches on walls, moss growing in certain areas, or water pooling in a specific space. It means that you have some leakage on your property. Sometimes low water pressure is an indication of this problem as well. However, to determine whether there is a leakage, you can do one basic thing.

You just need to check the reading on your metre and then stop using all the appliances that require water on your property for a few hours. Go and retake the reading. If it has increased, it means there is some leakage in your home or commercial premises. This is just a simple way in which you can determine whether there is a leakage. However, if you suspect this issue exists, contact us. We use the latest leak detection equipment in our work and will be able to pinpoint the problem quickly and efficiently and handle the repairs to industry standards.

If you are planning to go out on a more extended holiday, you would have to to attend to a lot of things in your house before you leave. You need to make sure that all the electrical appliances have been switched off. You will also check the gas appliances and fixtures to ensure that nothing is on. Similarly, you might have some questions regarding the water supply to your home when you are not there.

Many property owners wonder whether it is a good idea to turn off the water supply before they head out an extended vacation. We know from our experience that plumbing systems can throw problems without warning. Even well-maintained installations can sometimes breakdown all of a sudden. In this kind of a situation, if you are not at home and there is a burst pipe on your property, you might end up with a lot of damage that needs fixing after your return.

This is just one of the plumbing issues that can crop up when you are not at home. While this is a remote possibility, as a property owner, you do not want to take any risks in this regard. The best way is to turn the water supply of your home before you leave on an extended holiday. However, if you feel that it’s not something you would want to do, contact us for a plumbing inspection on your property. We will check all the systems for leakages or any problems, and fix them if any exist. You can then go out on your vacation with peace of mind.

Sometimes, people are shocked to receive an excessively high water bill. They wonder what has caused the sudden hike in the bills. There are many different reasons why this could occur. In some cases, it might be because your usage is high. However, if that is not the case, you would have to dig a little deeper. Most often, high water bills are caused due to water leakages on properties. The leakage could be from taps and showers, toilets, and more.

Only a thorough investigation of these systems would help determine the exact cause of the problem. We encourage our clients to get regular plumbing maintenance and checks done. During these visits, plumbing professionals check all the installations on the property for signs of deterioration, damage or other issues. This regular inspection and repair work can help prevent leakages on your property.

However if you have not done this and are receiving high bills, call us for an inspection today. Our team will use various tools and devices to check different components of your plumbing systems. They would be able to determine what is causing the problems. Since we have extensive experience in every aspect of plumbing repairs and services, we can provide you with appropriate solutions so that you do not have to deal with high water bills. We recommend the installation of water-efficient plumbing fixtures, and that goes a long way in reducing water consumption without impacting convenience and comfort for you.

When you take a shower, you want it a certain amount of water of a specific temperature. However, if you feel that you lose some hot water whenever you are showering, and someone else uses a tap at the same time, this is something you need to get checked by a professional plumber. There could be multiple reasons why this occurs. Sometimes it is because the hot water unit on your property cannot provide a certain amount of hot water based on your usage.

In other cases, it is because the pipe leading from the hot water system to the shower and bathroom area is too narrow to support the usage at a given point in time. Rust and sedimentation build-up are some of the other common reasons why this problem occurs. However, the only way to determine the exact root cause of the problem is to conduct a complete inspection of all the installations connected to the shower.

We are skilled, experienced, and licensed plumbers that can tackle a wide range of issues. We use the latest equipment and tools in our work to determine and assess what causes various problems in plumbing systems. When you call us with this issue, we will visit your property use modern devices and our experience and expertise to determine what is causing this issue. We will fix it in the best possible way without causing too much of disruption to the existing installations.

Plumbing installations are a crucial aspect of any property, big and small. You use these fixtures and fittings daily. On commercial properties or in residential ones with more family members, the use even more. So whenever there is any problem that crops up in these systems, you would want to get it fixed without delay. However, many property owners also wonder how much it would cost to hire a plumber to fix a particular issue.

There is no specific answer to this question. There are many variables in play when it comes to plumber cost. The experience and reputation of a plumbing company, the property’s location, and the type and severity of the plumbing issue are some of the common factors to be considered in plumbing costs. However, since you would need to have some idea about how much a repair, service or installation would cost, you should contact a few companies in your area to get a feel of how much the average price of a service is.

When you get the quotations for a specific job from multiple operators, you should then compare them based on their reliability, licensing, experience and expertise in the space. It is also good to check whether the company charges per job or hour. Some tasks are more complex and take a longer time to fix. In this case, the cost of the repair work will increase significantly if the plumber charges by the hour. These are the things you should check whenever you want to know how much a plumber would cost.